The popularity of golf is booming in America today. We see ads touting longer distance just by using certain clubs or balls. So we go out and buy this equipment for a lot of money. Then we decide to go out and have some lessons from a pro. Your game may or may not improve and you decide that this is just as good as it gets. WRONG!!
All too many people overlook their most important piece of equipment... their body. Not only will a fit body enhance one's golf game, but it will prevent many injuries from happening. The focus of our Golf Fitness Program is to improve your Balance, Flexibility, and Strength.
Dr. Arthur Pappas, Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics and Physical Rehabilitation at the University of Massachusetts, summed it up best by saying, "Golfers should participate in flexibility and strengthening programs for the spine, back, and legs before going out on the course. Sometimes golfers get help from therapists for strength and flexibility, and from Golf Pros for the mechanics of the swing, at some point the two have to be brought together."
It is no secret that there are A LOT of motions in the golf swing from takeaway to follow through. Any breakdown in the body's core balance at any point will result in inconsistency with the swing, thus creating mis-hits, and, if bad enough, trauma to the body. Repetitively doing this will create injury and pain syndromes, keeping you off the golf course altogether. Dr. Miller works one-on-one with golfers performing balance activities to improve the core balance during the golf swing.
Flexibility in the muscles and joints is vital to the golfer in the present, and in order to be able to continue to play golf effectively into the senior years. If a golfer has inflexibility, it will hinder the golf swing as well as set the stage for potential injury. A specific flexibility exam is performed on all of the golf musculature. After determining areas of inflexibility, specific exercises are prescribed and one-on-one therapeutic activities are performed.
Being "golf strong" doesn't mean getting big, bulky muscles. It's all about building strength in the right ways to increase your swing speed and being better equipped to "hold your balance." Dr. Miller's specific physical exam will highlight areas of weakness and he will prescribe specific strengthening exercises that are extremely easy to do on your own in the comfort of your own home.
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